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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela


Children learn best through play. I provide a broad range of challenging and stimulating play activities, both indoors and outdoors, which promote children’s overall development. The Early Years Foundation Stage provides the statutory framework for young children’s learning and development from birth.


My aim is to support and develop each child to become secure, confident, imaginative and creative.

The areas of learning and development encompass:


 Prime Areas of learning:

•Communication and Language
•Physical Development
•Personal Social and Emotional Development


 Specific Areas of Learning:

•Understanding of the World
•Expressive Arts & Design


Whilst your child is here we do so many things:


We play with Play dough, Clay and with sand and water. We get messy with cornflower and water, Gloop, shaving foam and mud.

We look at books.  We learn about different people and cultures. We learn to recognise letters and numbers and words. We copy the stories in our play and best of all we love to cuddle up together and listen to stories.


We paint, draw, pretend to write, cut out and glue. We make collages and prints. We learn to use scissors and to be creative. We sing songs and make music, we listen to music from different countries, we dance and learn new songs.  We make instruments and make music with them.


We make friends and learn about sharing, taking turns and respecting people, we learn to mix with children who may be older or younger than us. We learn about the rules and how to say ‘Sorry’ if we upset someone.


We go to the Parks and local Play Centre.  We visit the Library, Toddler Groups and Messy Play Groups. We find out about our local environment and to be safe when we cross the roads. We go on Nature Walks and learn about the seasons.


We go to the shops to buy fresh vegetables for our lunch, which we can help to prepare. We share meals together and try foods from different cultures. We celebrate Birthdays and Festivals from around the world. We learn about eating healthy food and keeping our bodies healthy. We learn about hygiene and how to wash our hands after using the toilet and before touching food.


We play outside. We run and jump and climb and ride and explore. We grow things in the garden and learn how to care for them, we dig and find all kinds of animals and insects in the garden. We use our imaginations and make pretend.


We learn that after we have done all this, our bodies will need a rest to recover!

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